how to read paper

POST ON 2025-02-20 BY WOLVES

Read research paper

  • The purpose of reading papers is to get the most important information from the paper.

  • the title, abstract, and figure

  • the conclusion , figure - skim the rest (skim related work)

  • but skip/skim math

  • 4.whole thing but skip parts that don’t make sense (we always don`t know which part is important)

  • 5.Then, try to do some work:

    • 1.what does the author try to accomplish?
    • 2.what were the key element of the approach?
    • 3.what can you use in your work?
    • 4.what other reference do you want to follow?
  • the paper again

    • 1.understand the math
    • open source code
    • 3.try to implement the paper by yourself

Read paper record

click the title to see my read paper record